Tomorrow is Easter and it has been so much fun preparing for it. Last week I pulled out some of my stuffed animals. Two bunnies, Rainbow and Peter; and a little chicken named Plum because it has the little purple bunny ears on. Plum has these little metal things on the bottom, and when you touch them to your skin it goes "peep, peep, peep!" xD It's so cute.
We're getting a bunch of flowers! I planted these two years ago and they keep coming up. We haven't been outside to enjoy them because of rainy cold weather. I love having them around, though.
Tomorrow is going to be a lot of fun. We're going to my Aunt Jen's house. My cousin and I are going to cook hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken, steak, and a pork roast thing. All the beef products are from cows at the farm, and it is the best beef I've ever tasted. My Gram is making baked beans, my Mom is making sweet and sour meatballs, my Aunt is making potato salad, and I am making whoopie pies!
I am also planning an egg hunt for the kids. Tia and I colored the eggs tonight. There are going to be six kids there, so we made 14 eggs. They were so fun to make because we made them with each kid in mind. Each kid has 2 eggs made with their name on them. They need to find those 2 eggs and bring them back to me. When they do, they get to pick a box of candy. There are 2 extra eggs, and if they find one of them then they get to pick another box of candy.
Tomorrow I'm just going to focus on feeding a bunch of the people I care about and having fun! I've got tons of the scholarship stuff done with. I drove all over Keene today. I'm not going to worry about anything tomorrow. Also- because I just remembered and I feel like bragging a little, 3rd quarter report cards came in yesterday. YAY! I got all A's again. =)