Bad electrical hookup or what? I am not sure what it is but some weird things have happened around my house. I have an old lamp that sometimes randomly turns off. It has never bothered me when it does this because of its age. It sometimes turns back on hours later. Again, it’s expected that if it turns off that it will turn back on.
Weirder things have happened in the past couple months though. One night while my sister was downstairs, and I was sitting in my room, her radio turned on. I yelled down to her to come upstairs and turn it off. It freaked both of us out a bit. My sister was convinced it was a ghost! We have lived in this house for three years now, and I don’t think it has a ghost in it. I do think I have convinced some Fairies to visit me though.
I told her I thought it was a Fae playing a joke. She said that she hoped it was, because a ghost would be scarier. I told her to simply ask politely that whatever it was leave her things alone. She did this and did not have any more problems, until last night.
Last night my sister was downstairs and I was upstairs reading. She always forgets to turn off her lights when she leaves her bedroom. Usually I end up walking in there and doing it for her. I didn’t really want to get up and put my book down though, so I just left it. Her light is fairly new, so there was no reason for it to just turn off like it did!
Tia went and asked the ghost or Fairy to please leave her electrical things alone again. I wish I had done the same. Around 1 or 2 in the morning my light goes and turns on! It didn’t turn off at all by itself that night, so I don’t know why it turned on.
Has anyone else had things like this happen? What do you think? The Fae have played tricks on me in the past, so I do think it could be them. I don’t doubt that the wiring in our house is bad, but it has only happened to me when I am upstairs by myself or my sister is asleep in the other room.