I bought a car! I'm just wicked excited that I've bought my first car. It is a 1996 Saturn. I couldn't register it today because the town clerk now works only four days a week.
That's alright, though, because tomorrow we're heading to the beach! I wouldn't have been able to drive it for a week anyhow. I can't wait until we get back so I can finally start getting used to the way it works. It handles a little differently from my dad's car which I've been driving.
I didn't just buy a car today, though. That was all done with by 11:30. So I hung out with my friends all afternoon. We went to the new KenTaco (KFC & Taco Bell combined) and then saw Harry Potter. Since I haven't read the books in a while I didn't have any details fresh in my mind. I have no clue how close the movie was to the book and for once I don't even care. It was a good movie! Probably the best out of all the ones made so far. If you haven't seen it yet you should. The greatest part was that since we waited so long to see it there were only maybe 10 people in the theatre.
I don't know when I'll write another post. Like I said, we're leaving tomorrow. We are bringing a laptop with us, though! So, when I get sick of whatever book I happen to be reading at the time, I can come by and read about what's going on with all of you. =)