Saturday, October 18, 2008
College STRESS
I used to go to that general area when I was little because my Great Grandmother lived there. Some of my best memories are of the camping trips/family reunions we would have every summer in Rupert. It’s so open. It’s also a farming community, so you can’t drive a mile down the road without seeing at least one farm. I love it there.
I fell in love with Green Mountain’s campus. It has a huge library, a wellness center, beautiful trees, and my favorite part- a student run organic farm. They have crops and animals. They use all the food on campus too, 15% of the food eaten at GMC comes from the farm. I have been a member of 4-H since I was 8, and I really love farms. This school just seems like a perfect fit socially.
The unfortunate part (and there always is one) is that I cannot seem to find a perfect match study-wise. I want to open my own restaurant and have a farm. I looked at the business class at GMC and found that it really isn’t what I’m looking for. They have hospitality management, but it is on a different campus and focuses more on hotels. I left GMC confused and frustrated.
On the ride back home I realized how badly I want the real college experience. I want a real campus with dorms and a library. At New England Culinary Institute there is no campus. It is basically a restaurant that I would pay to work at and learn to run. I wouldn’t be sleeping in a dorm, but in a regular house that I would share with other people. It wouldn’t be bad, but it would be different from the way most people experience college.
I really hope I can figure something out soon. It seems like I need to look at some other colleges. Exactly what I didn’t want to do. The more I look at, the more stressed I get. Not to mention the scholarship applications I need to fill out regardless of which college I am going to. Those are already starting to pile up on my desk!
I did get my pendant from Such Pretty Colors today. That put a welcome smile on my face. =)
Friday, October 17, 2008
Mrs. B used this a little while ago, and I couldn't help it. I wanted to try! These are just a few songs I listen to.
A few updates I forgot to add. I got my copy of Soul Coaching in the mail today. It's taking some willpower to not start reading it now. Also, I was lucky enough to win this shirt from Mrs. B's 31 Days of Halloween two days ago. I don't know how I forgot to post about it yesterday. It was handmade by Dawtch. I will be using it as a part of my Halloween costume. I'm gonna be a pirate. Arrr. xP

Thursday, October 16, 2008
Poetry- E.E. Cummings
When I have struggled through three hundred years of Roman history, and hastened o'erSome French play-(though I have my private fearsOf flunking sorely when I take the floorIn class),-when I have steeped my soul in goreAnd Greek, and figured over half a reamWith Algebra, which I do (not) adore,How shall I manage to compose a theme?
It's well enough to talk of poor and peers,And munch the golden apples' shiny core,And lay a lot of heroes on their biers;-While the great Alec, knocking down a score,Takes out his handkerchief, boohoo-ing, "More!"-But harshly I awaken from my dream,To find a new,-er,-privilege,-in store:How shall I manage to compose a theme?
After I've swallowed prophecies of seers,And trailed Aeneas from the Trojan shore,Learned how Achilles, after many jeers,On piggy Agamemnon got to sore,And heard how Hercules, Esq., toreAround, and swept and dusted with a stream,There's one last duty,-let's not call it bore,-How shall I manage to compose a theme?
Of what avail is all my mighty lore?I beat my breast, I tear my hair, I scream:"Behold, I have a Herculean chore.How shall I manage to compose a theme?"
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Busy, Busy!
Tonight I made dinner, so I decided to try a recipe from Sacred Suzie. Her thyme rolls were delicious! I don’t have a bread maker, so it took me a little longer to make them. It’s still quicker than my Great Grandmother’s bread recipe though!
I have a million things to do still so I will end this and go work on homework or something. Remember to check out Mrs. B's 31 Days of Halloween! She is giving away four wonderful prizes today, and at least one prize every day until the end of October.
Just another note- Mercury goes direct today! This is very good news. Hopefully everyone didn't have too many problems. =)
Kidney Donor
Monday, October 13, 2008
Wonderful Day

I am also the lucky winner of the gorgeous pendant from Such Pretty Colors that Mrs. B. was giving away yesterday.

Sunday, October 12, 2008
Autumn In New England
On our way to Hogback Mountain we came across a group of people pressing apples for apple cider. I am so glad I had my camera at the time. I took pictures and watched them making the apple cider from start to finish right in front of me. I made a slide show of it, but I couldn't upload it on blogger because it was not made with the right program. I will have to just post the pictures instead.
Start with apples... Put them in the big chopper... Wrap the crushed apples in a cloth to filter...
The cider comes out down here when you press them... That gets put into a big container through another filter... And Finally into a jug to take home!
It is the best apple cider I have ever tasted. I'm happy we stopped so I could see this.