So, Monday is Imbolc. I have no clue what I'm going to do for it, but that datebook I got had this recipe in it. It was easier to scan it than to type it up. I <3 my scanner/ printer/ copier! It makes life so much easier. I want to make this cake, but it's supposed to be a light grocery week so I may have to wait. Either way it sounds really good.

I remember this time last year I was writing tons in my journals, and I had bought a gold fish which I named Brigid after the triple goddess. There's no way I'm going to buy another gold fish. I can't keep any sort of fish alive for more than a month. xD I've been thinking about getting some kind of plant I can keep in my room, though. I have a bad record with plants, too, but I want to try again. Does anyone have a suggestion as to what kind of plant I should get? Something that's hard to kill preferably, and not poisonous to our cats who may sniff at it.
I may be writing less for pleasure, but I have been writing a lot for school. I'm always writing papers for my English classes, and now I have one to write about my future career. I'll be doing that today, hopefully I have time to make more of that chocolate chocolate chip cookie dough. Everyone in my family loves the cookies!