Right now I know exactly what I wish. I wish for my body to be strong and able to handle the stress ahead of me, but also able to relax when I have the time to do so.
I woke up with a massive headache that has not gone away. It starts in my neck and goes all the way up. Even worse- my whole body hurts now! I'm sure it has something to do with the stress of having my first two finals tomorrow. Our senior class trip to Boston is on Friday, a nice little break from school if I do say so myself. The rest of my finals are spread across next week, and they don't get much easier. Then there are the graduation practices all next week in the afternoon, a senior NHS members dinner with Mr. Sullivan, class day, and the actual graduation happening on the 20th! I'm looking forward to this being all done with.
Thank you Jamie for giving me the chance to wish for this. Wishcasting is a wonderful way for so many of us to express our wishes, wish for others, and have others wish for us.
Here I was complaining about all these bad things when I did have a good thing to share! Monday night was the Academic Awards ceremony. I received two awards. One in Family and Consumer Science (Home Ec.) and one in Business. Both these teachers know of my plans to own my own restaurant, and both are very supportive. It was touching to hear them say in front of so many people that they have such confidence in my ability to succeed. They each gave me a book. One is the James Beard Cook Book, and the other is called Start Your Own Restaurant and More. The cook book has recipes for things I could never even imagine. The business book is so interesting and a huge comfort to read. It gives me a better idea of what to expect.
Peace for now. I'm going to sit and do nothing for a little while, I'm hoping this helps the headache go away. Then it's dinner and studying for my 1st period final. World Religions. I'm not too worried, but I still have to study. I know my 2nd period Conflict Resolution final is going to be wicked easy, there's nothing to really study for it.