Thursday, October 22, 2009

My Restaurant Plans/ Ideas/ Dreams

I told you I'd share my ideas with all of you!

So my whole restaurant idea began about 2 1/2 -3 years ago (about 10th grade). We watch a lot of Food Network in my house, and my favorite show on it is Guy Fieri’s ‘Diners Drive-ins and Dives’. After watching this show often enough I obviously started to form my own ideas of what a perfect restaurant would be like. These plans floated through my brain for weeks before I finally decided that it was my goal to open up a great little restaurant. This changed a lot for me. Before this I was planning on becoming a journalist, since that seemed to be the only reliable career I could have where I would be able to write. I will never regret this decision; I don’t think I would have been happy as a journalist.

I began taking more of the business and cooking classes in high school. In my tiny little school there wasn’t much, but it was better than if I hadn’t taken them at all. I made a really great connection with both my business and my home-ec teacher. I told them about my plans and they were both wicked supportive. I may not have been lucky enough to go to a tech school like some of my classmates here at NECI, but I don’t care. Growing up in a small town has helped shape who I am and what my plans for my restaurant are.

I know that I want a small restaurant. Bigger than a diner, though. I know that I want it to be family-friendly. I have a lot of cousins and growing up the whole family could rarely eat out together simply because the restaurants could not accommodate so many people. The food needs to have that home-cooked meal feeling to it. Just because you eat out doesn’t mean you don’t deserve comfort food!

Right now the plan is that my cousin will be the cook, since she is also attending NECI. That may change, though, since she is a baking and pastry student. I can always have some awesome baked goods at least! I have this little part of me that is just dying to have a Bed & Breakfast. So if that is in any way possible I definitely plan to have it as well. With or without the B&B, though, my restaurant will serve breakfast. All three meals are important and I just don’t understand why more restaurants don’t serve it.

Then my cousin’s boyfriend, who is so loved by everyone he is practically a part of the family, is like this alcohol EXPERT. He also wants to start a micro-brewery. Hello bartender! It just makes sense, right?

So, if you can’t tell, it’s all pretty much going to be family run. Family is important to me, always has been, always will be. The only problem I can think of is the location. Location is the most difficult part of any restaurant plan. I want it as close to home as possible. That is going to take a lot of research, hopefully I learn more about finding a good location in one of my classes.

So, those are my big plans. I also want it to be a farm-to-table restaurant. Support your local farmers! Oh, and raw milk. I can't stand store bought milk, so I definitely need to offer raw milk. Haha, I love afterthoughts.


  1. How fun, Tori! & delightful that several of your family members are interested in food/service etc as well!
    As a massage therapist, I've often thought it would be fun to offer massage at a cute little B n B - & I have so much laundry, I could help with the cleaning/laundry as well, lol!
    In McMinnville, there's a 'world famous' place - Nick's Italian Cafe (30+ years) which is now run by 'Nick's' dau & her chef husband - they do lots of local, & actually had a hand in bringing the wine industry to the Willamette valley! They just re-opened for lunch this summer, & installed a pizza oven (sigh - not gluten free)

  2. Oh, & a lot of local small restaurants focus on two meals - breakie & lunch or lunch & dinner - think part of it is staffing & consistency - & are closed 1 or 2 days a week! My massage mentor warned against spreading oneself too thin!

    & think gluten free :)

  3. Fantastic Tori, I can totally picture it in my mind. The feel to the place reminds me of how Paula Deen talks about her restaurant and the kind of food she serves there. I know you can do this and you already have staff, that's awesome! One day I hope I can go to your restaurant and give it one kick ass review. Nothing better than homecooked food you didn't have to make yourself, that is true love.

  4. I love your idea! I also love the Food network - lol!

    Some people say you shouldn't work with family - but I say do it! I would work with any of my family and friends. Well...perhaps not my Dad....

  5. Hey Tori! Sorry I haven't commented on your blog in a while - I have been reading though! Your restaurant plans sound wonderful. It sounds like the kind of restaurant I would love to eat at.

    I think it would be great to own a B&B too. They are very homey and personal, and you would get to meet so many interesting people.

    If you succeed, which I'm sure you will, you can give me some pointers on that little tea shop I want to open some day! :)

  6. This definitely sounds like my kind of restaurant!

    Just remember...more and more kids with food allergies and sensitivities. Especially foods to accomodate those families would get you a bunch of extra business, I bet. That's a part of the restaurant industry that's severely lacking.

    Best of luck!

