Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I don't like to gripe and moan about money... especially because I consider myself lucky to have so many of the things that I do. But, damn, I can't help but wonder where all my money went? Then that little voice in my head goes "books, clothes, a Tracphone, stuff for school, A CAR!!" Oh, right... a car and college are both expensive. This makes me wonder if I should have just gone without a car while I am in college. Too late now I guess, since I've already bought it.

I've bought a lot of books lately. Both to read for fun, and just yesterday I spent a butt-load of money on textbooks for school. Even though I can look at and hold the things my money has gone to, I can't help but feel that I could have spent it more wisely. I hope that's just because I have no use for half the things until I'm actually in school. I'm sure I'll be thankful for having them once I need them.

Bad news about my computer. My grandpa can't fix it. He can't even figure out what's wrong with it. I bought it only two years ago... fully expecting it to last me beyond college. We may need to spend a couple hundred dollars (ouch!) and buy another warranty on it so I can send it back to the company and have it fixed. That may be cheaper than buying another computer, but I still need one for college. It couldn't have broken at a more inconvenient time. I may be taking my mom's with me...

As for the other stuff on my list-
My car is registered now! Luckily, my parents are taking care of the car insurance. I still need to get it inspected, have the oil changed, get good tires, blah, blah, blah (I don't understand cars).

I'm working on getting all the supplies for school.

I've cleaned the kitchen really well, but haven't started making and freezing meals yet. Thanks to the people who gave me suggestions!

I babysat Keagan for a while yesterday. He's started acting like a typical 3-year-old. I love him, though. And I got a bunch of great pictures! He's growing wicked fast. If you had told me three years ago that Jess and Dan's little boy would mean so much to me I wouldn't have believed it. I'm going to miss him so bad while I'm away.

TTFN! I am going to hang out at the farmer's market with a friend today. Maybe I can get a few more things done before I leave.


  1. Oh, college texts are soooo expenisve! I don't miss that one bit. HAng in there girl. It will all be worth it.

  2. School is so crazy expensive I know. I'm sorry to hear that it is very overwhelming Tori! I know you will get through it somehow, even when it feels like you can't.

  3. It is amazing how fast money goes - & as you say, where?? OK, books, car, blagh blagh blagh!
    So exciting to be heading off to school, though! I'm sending you some virtual decorations, & a hug!
