Friday, October 2, 2009

On The Road Again....

Yup, it's Friday! That means that tonight after our final classes my cousin and I will be packing my car and taking that long drive back home. Okay- it's only 1 1/2 hours if she drives, closer to 2 hours if I drive. It just feels like forever! As much as I am looking forward to my weekend and going home, I had a very good week here in Montpelier. Classes have been going well. I'm handling the stress easily now. I am sleeping better. Overall I think I am almost adjusted to college life! How exciting is that? Now I just need to make some friends and I might actually have something to do on weekends that would tempt me to stay up here.

At home last weekend I was supposed to do tons of baking and such, but the fact is I never got around to it. I was kept busy the whole time with other things. This weekend I might have some time! Last weekend I went to an Alan Jackson concert (I forgot to mention that, didn't I?) and it ate up a whole afternoon. This weekend I will have a few school projects to work on, but I am going to make time for fun! Like eating at a couple awesome restaurants (one of which I am considering as my internship site!) and getting outside in the cool Autumn air. Who knows, I might even get the chance to play with a certain little 2-year-old who I haven't seen in two months! Oh crap... he's 3 now! I missed his birthday.... So it looks like I need to do some shopping as well! What do you give a little kid who has everything?

I will be checking in with the blog-world, even if it's just briefly to see what wonderful things Mrs. B. is giving away! Yes, she works weekends. It is the 31 Days of Halloween! So make all her work worth-while and go see her! Say "Hi!" And don't forget to thank her, because she really has put in a ton of work to make this amazing event happen.

I may not be leaving until 5 o' clock, but how about some driving music?


  1. I am so proud of you Tori! :) You're doing so well! You will making friends in no time, I'm sure. Have a wonderful weekend, and as a suggestion for your 3 year old angel, how about opening up a savings account for his college and add to it each birthday? :)

  2. I used to do the same thing my freshman year of college...I'd go home every weekend.

    I just slept better there...and was so much more comfortable.

    Dorm living just never did agree with me very well.

    Glad things are going well for you.

    College seems like a million years ago for me. LOL

